Does any one know of a way to configuring the device so it starts up and doesn't drive the digital outputs low by default?
The IG502 has low side drivers for DO0-3 with weak pull ups to 5~6V,
This makes it very easy, and is the typical way, to drive relays. One
side of the coil goes to +ve supply, and the other side of the coil goes
to a DO.
The problem is that after reset, and after the
system has booted, each bit controlling each DO is set to 0 - which
turns ON the low side driver (i.e. it is connecting DO to GND). This
turns on the relay. Looking with a scope or voltmeter, you would see
some seconds of a 'high' level followed by the 'low' level.
I cannot use the 'retentive setting'
since if power is lost and then re-applied, I need to guarantee the
relays will be in a safe state (OFF).
If this was a code
running on a microcontroller, and we were only using low side drivers,
we would not turn on any until they were actually required.
In the meanwhile, is there some other solution?