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DeviceSupervisor Agent (DSA) plugin for an EC312?
Where can I download the DeviceSupervisor Agent (DSA) plugin for an EC312? My unit with firmware V2.0.12 does not have it installed by default.
Frequent Q&A about IEOS on EC312
Question 1. What is the difference between IEOS and Pure Debian OS on EC312 Answer: IEOS(InHand Edge Operating System): IEOS is InHand Networks’ operating system based on distribution Linux for IoT ARM platform edge computers, helping customers achieve
EC312 Digital Input and Output info
I need information on max VDS, Max constant current sink, and any rating for ESD/EFT tested on the GPIO port of EC312. Is there a more detailed spec available for the expansion?
How to port forwarding with config default gateway on InHand IR302
I have a old PLC. I can config the PLC's LAN IP( address manually but there is no Default Gateway setting. And I have IR302 with a public statip IP( address from SIM provider. Since I can not config default gateway on PLC, I want
IG502 DOUT - how to ensure DOn is not driven low after boot.
Does any one know of a way to configuring the device so it starts up and doesn't drive the digital outputs low by default? The IG502 has low side drivers for DO0-3 with weak pull ups to 5~6V, This makes it very easy, and is the typical way, to drive relays.
IG902 reboot
I have IG902 with 4G module... Inhand routers all have SMS reset/reboot option, but IG not... How to restart device on remote site ? Is there any option to do that ? or just scheduled restart eg.. every day at 12AM ??
Web management interface for IG902H not accessible
We have an edge gateway IG902H which was already configured. A few days back it was powered off due to some network and infrastructure related changes at the site. Now, after connecting back to the power, it is not showing the web management interface
Not have enable debug mode
I want to test but python cannot connect like this picture Maybe the enable debug mode are gone as picture below and i cannot setting
How to upload a cross-compiling program into the EC312
I have built my first program with the Cross-compilation tool zip package: gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz and now I need to upload it from my Ubuntu machine to the EC312. How can I do this?
IR302 send SMS
Hi, I have several IR302 modem installed in remote locations. I need to retrive the sim phone number used on those modem. is there a way to have them send an sms?
IR-302 WireGuard
WireGuard not connecting and not showing any data in the logs. - Configuration is confirmed as correct.
Wireguard not automatically connecting
Hi I am having a problem with Wireguard connecting after a reboot or power loss on my IR302 that I have recently purchased. The Wireguard status shows random settings after each reboot with a different port each time eg. interface: wg0 listening port:
IR302 Setting a WiFi Login Password
Hi, I am a new user of inhand products and have just set up my new IR302. The only thing I have not yet worked out is where, or how, to set a password to make my WiFi network secure. It is currently discoverable and when you click on the name it connects
IR302 connection speed reduces over time
Hello, We are using the IR302 LTE modem with the Peplink Mobility 22G antenna in a stationary setup and we are getting good connection speed (downlink and uplink) for a while, but over time (on the order of 30 minutes to 1 hour) the connection speed reduces.
What is the type of cable used for InPAD3101 ADB ???
Hi, Does anyone know what is the type of cable used for connecting ADB port of InPAD3101 to the PC. And does anyone know where can I buy one?
NAT 1:1 IG502
How to do NAT 1:1 LAN/WAN on IG502? Could anyone help please?
port forwarding and dyndns
Hi, I have Inhand IG902 and I have problem with port forwarding. On site I have few PLC modules that is connected to other site with inhand VPN service ( port GE 0/1 )...That works OK.. Also I would like to use video survailence but NOT with VPN service.
openvpn client ir302
I created an openvpn client connection that connects to the privatevpn server, but as soon as I connect the vpn the internet stops working. instead I need to browse with the public IP that privateVPN assigns me. what is missing in the configuration?
Sending sms
hi it is possible with typicall command to send SMS with IR615 router?
Device Manager showing Gateway as "not SYNC"
Hi, I am new to this forum, sorry if I am not asking this question in the right place. I have some IR300 routers deployed and working. But one of them lost access due to some unknown reason. Maybe the low battery level during some time put it in a bad
SNMP MIB files on InHand IR615s
Where can I download the mib files that are specific to this model IR615s ? Is seems that INHAND-MIB and INHAND-3GWAN-MIB files whould give us the LTE SIGNAL LEVEL via SNMP. Thank you.
AT Command Set
Does the IR300 series device support the full AT Command Set through the RS-232 serial port?
inConnect Router IR305 can't register-Cannot resolve host address
Have a device IR305 that cannot connect to inConnect portal: This is what the log says: RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: or service not known) From the tasks inConnect: SPSNA-BNYPEN run config apply PENDING
VG710 Android Device Issue
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has experienced an issue with VG710 port filtering android devices specifically. I have noticed I use an IOS device to access the same applications and have no issues. Any idea what could be the cause?
Can VT310 capture canbus and display onto a Computer?
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display resolution on INBOX710
Hi, I changed the display resolution from AUTO to 1280x1080, rebooted the device nothing appears on monitor ... (i see only black mirror) ... how to handle this? Thank you
VG710 and VG 814 configure ignition off delay
How to read/detect ignition signal: IGT signal is automatically detected by MCU. Vg710 already supports obtaining IGT status through flexapi. How to configure ignition off delay. That seem to be 30s by default.: In Webpage Services >> Power Management
How to change Ethernet port on VG710 to a WAN port
Go to Network>>VLAN>>configure VLAN parameters, then change the port needs to be WAN to a different VLAN. Go to Routing>>static routing>>static routing, then create a routing rule like following. Link with smaller distance will have higher priority. Go
VG710 Control of IO
For the control of DO, if you disable the pull-up (set the pull-up to 1), DO can only output low (0) and cannot output high (1). After enabling pull-up, DO can output high or low according to the logic of control. Here is the download link for the FlexAPI
VG710 Dropping Cellular Connection
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Power Management Blank
Hi everyone, Could you kindly provide a solution on how to fix the power management section not having any options like in the screen shot? I am running a VG710 with firmware: V1.2.1.r30052
IR302-FQ38-WLAN band locking
Hello All, I use an IR302-FQ38-WLAN router with Verizon in the U.S. The router uses any of bands 2, 4, or 66 in my location. Is there a way that I may specify which bands the router will use? Any way to do band locking. It is OK with me if command line
WAN cannot get IP Address
I have issue on my inhand IR615. I have setting IPSec for my project and i need connected to configurable ip address WAN but it stuck (see the picture). I already follow many suggestion from manual book, community (inhand website), youtube tutorials but
How to connect with PLC Omron CP1H-E
Excuse me, Someone know about how to get tag input for monitoring from PLC Omron CP1H-E made in China at the menu Overview>Edge Computing>Device Supervisor>Measure Monitor? I used PLC Omron CP1H-E and Inhand gateway 502. Thank you
port mapping/forwarding of IR615
I've got a Verizon static SIM card, and I added APN manually to make it work. Now I want to use this static IP to access my controller connected to the IR615.
Modem replacement for IR615 HW 30108
Can someone advice on a list of compatible modem for IR615 HW 30108, EU region, capable of 2G and 4G? If someone has a 4G model of this router, EU model, the first eight letter of IMEI indicate the hardware model of modem.
How to setup APN on ER805
1. Connect PC directly to router via Ethernet and log into router at using default credentials (adm/123456) 2. Go to Internet, and click the Edit of the cellular row. 3. Change the Dialing Parameters to Manual, set the other parameters to
How to set up port forwarding
Background: Port forwarding is used to allow the router to forward traffic from a public IP to another interface (typically LAN). This allows a user to reach a device on the router through the public web. In addition, if multiple devices use the same
Application Guide for Easy OpenVPN Multiclient Mode Setup
1. Summary A VPN tunnel is an encrypted connection between your device and a VPN server. OpenVPN is currently considered the top form of VPN tunneling protocol. That's because its encryption is especially strong. It's also adept at getting past firewalls.
VG710 4G version with VG710-H (5G ) version Interface Panel Comparison